Blog Tour Wrap Up – Dead of Night (Inspector Marco #5 ) by Stephen Puleston #bookreview #mystery #crimefiction #InspectorMarco #TimeslikeThese @stephenpuleston @booksnall2020

Stephen Puleston and I would like to say a very big THANK YOU to all the wonderful bloggers and reviewers who helped with the launch of DEAD OF NIGHT.  Your help is very much appreciated.

Sassy Redhead Book Reviews 
The Word is Out
Debbie Hipster 
Guest Review 
Ginger Book Geek 
Linda Strong Book Reviews 
Beyond the Books 
Sue Loves to Read 

DEAD OF NIGHT (Inspector Marco book 5)

Format – Kindle
Publisher – Self Published
Publication Date – 27th May 2021
Genre – Crime Fiction
Author – Stephen Puleston

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A victim with no voice…. A killer with no fear…. A race against time.

When the body of a homeless man is found at the foot of a church steeple in the middle of the harshest winters Cardiff has seen for years Inspector Marco’s superior wants the inquiry finished quickly. Even if it means the killer evades justice. But Marco isn’t happy and he knows from bitter personal experience how tough life can be.

A second killing of a rough sleeper only galvanises Marco and his team to hunt down the killer. But the lives of the homeless community makes uncovering the clues and tracking the killer challenging.

When a vital witness disappears, Marco fears the worse. And despite knowing that a vital clue exists it remains tantalisingly out of his grasp. Things only get worse when a woman linked to the inquiry cannot be found.

Only when he uncovers the missing piece of the jigsaw does he realise where to catch the culprit and how finally he must prevent more deaths.

Dead of Night is the fifth book in the fast-paced Inspector Marco series based in Cardiff. If you like clever mysteries and gripping page-turners then you’ll love Stephen Puleston’s Detective Marco series.

Buy Dead of Night and meet John Marco today.

My Review

DI Marco returns in this brilliant addition to the series and Stephen Puleston has not disappointed.

A homeless man is murdered and Marco is determined to track down the person or persons responsible.  He has his work cut out because in the list of priorities for an overstretched Police department the murder of a rough sleeper is not very high but Marco is determined he will be treated the same as any other victim.  When another body is discovered the team are determined to crack the case.

I do love Marco.  Struggling  to beat the demon drink he has turned his life around and is determined to stay on track.  His compassion and steely determination to give his full attention to keeping the streets of Wales safe come accross very well in this character.

Lydia is Marco’s partner.  She knows him very well and is the softer side of the partnership but like Marco she is determined to take down the bad guys.

I love the way Lydia and Marco work.  They have developed a very effective working relationship throughout the series and know each other very well.  This comes accross brilliantly during interviews when each will let the other lead if they are more likely to achieve results and that adds to the enjoyment of the book.

The story itself is gripping.  It moves along at a fast pace keeping the reader turning page after page.  There are many possibilities for the murderer and although I thought I had worked it out several times I was wrong and the story is wrapped up in a brilliant ending I did not see coming.

A brilliant detective story.

Stephen Puleston: Biography

I write crime fiction based in Wales and about Wales. The rural landscape of north Wales provides the backdrop to the Inspector Drake novels. And Cardiff the capital of Wales provides the setting for the Inspector Marco novels set in a modern urban environment.
I love the novels of Raymond Chandler, Ian Rankin, Mark Billingham, Henning Mankell, Val McDermid – the list could go on! And I enjoy watching detective series on the television the recent Hinterland series based near Aberystwyth in Wales was great. One of my favourites is the French series Spiral but The Bridge and Broadchurch and the Rebus series with Ken Stott and Kenneth Branagh in Wallander are great too.

I have been on writing courses at the Welsh Writers Centre in Llanystymdwy, North Wales tutored by Matt Whyman and Marcus Sedgwick as well as crime writing courses with Peter Robinson and Andrew Taylor at the Scottish Writers centre.

I was born in Anglesey an island off the north Wales coast and after leaving school in Holyhead I went to University in London before training as a solicitor/lawyer. I practised in a small family business doing criminal work in the magistrates and crown courts, divorce and family work.

I still live on Anglesey, North Wales near the beach and the mountains of Snowdonia.

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