L.J. Ross: Holy Island

Holy Island (DCI Ryan Mysteries, #1)Holy Island by L.J. Ross

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I do like to read books that are based in places I am familiar with and when I saw this was based on Holy Island I was very intrigued as it is such a small island that is cut off from the mainland at high tide so I was very curious about how a story based there would look.

This is also the first book I have read by L.J. Ross and I do like to discover new authors especially ones who write series’.

The main character, DCI Ryan, is emotionally damaged from his last case and has escaped to the Island to lick his wounds and find a way to move on. The author gradually builds realistic character that gains depth throughout the book as he sets off on a mission to find the murderer of a young girl that brings his previous experiences, that he was trying to hide, back into the limelight. He is joined by several other unique characters that develop through the book as well.

I loved the story, building a story on Holy Island with religious and ancient customs is an act of genius and I loved the story. The suspense builds through the book and keeps the reader turning the pages.

The ending was a total shock that had me reaching for the next book in the series.

I am absolutely hooked. Well worth 5+ stars and I will definitely be reading more books in this series and by LJ Ross.

I was provided with a free copy of this book by Booklover Catlady in return for an honest review.

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