Are you interested in joining Blog Tours? #Bloggers #blogtours #bookreview #bookstagram

I work with Joffe Books and some self-published authors promoting books accross social media.  This includes organising and managing Blog Tours and Launch Parties, coordinating reviews etc.

I have a wonderful team of bloggers and reviewers to whom I am indebted beyond words.  The time and effort they give to help me and authors is selfless and very much appreciated.  I always have room for more wonderful reviewers or bloggers.  A Blog is good but the important thing is getting the word out there on Social Media so a Facebook page/profile, Instagram, Goodreads, Twitter whichever is your preferred platform you are more than welcome to join in the fun.  If you would like to join my list you can sign up below.  There is no commitment to join a tour or review a book and I wont remove you from my list (you can remove yourself at any time).  When I have a book to promote I will email you and if you are interested that is great I am happy to have you on the tour.  If it isn’t for you or you don’t have time then that is fine too.  I will provide an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of the book for you to read and review.  This will be in digital format only I am unable to provide paperbacks as I only work with digital publishers and self published authors.

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