What You’ve Done by Joyce Schneider #bookreview #crimefiction @JoyceSchneider1

I am very pleased to share with you my review of this latest release by Joyce Schneider.  If you read psychological thrillers this one is definitely for you.

What You've DoneWhat You’ve Done by J.A. Schneider

A small town divorce lawyer (“I know people’s secrets”) blames herself when a client’s teen daughter is brutally murdered. She investigates and finds herself the killer’s next target.

Grieving the loss of her NYPD detective husband, former defense attorney Mia Peale moves to Grand Cove, Connecticut, desperate for a sense of community and hoping to rebuild her life. Now, starting a family law practice, she’s finally found friends and peace – until the teen daughter of one of her clients is brutally murdered, and the girl’s boyfriend stands accused.

Kelly Payne was an adored high school track star. Brian Hall is a poor boy in a rich town, and the community is outraged. But Mia has known Brian since her arrival and can’t believe he’s guilty, despite strong circumstantial evidence against him. As his defense turns lackluster, she asks Grand Cove police detective Jay Colter for help. Jay is also skeptical of the police and DA’s case and takes them on, especially when Mia’s friend from her former Manhattan law firm uncovers a frighteningly similar murder in the city. Secretly, Jay helps Mia investigate both murders, but his alarm grows as her life is threatened by a maniac hiding among them.

My Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After the tragic death of her husband Mia moves to Grand Cove, Connecticut and sets herself up as a family lawyer.

Kelly is her friend, a track star with a glowing future but very mixed up with a shaky relationship with her Mother. She confesses to Mia that she is back with Brian and the last Mia sees of her is as she is running to meet him. When Kelly’s body is pulled out of the water Mia torments herself with all the things she could have done differently. The evidence all points to Brian but Mia knows him and doesn’t believe he could hurt anyone. Jay is a detective and also believes in Brian’s innocence but his superior office thinks it’s case closed so it is down to Jay and Mia to prove his innocence.

I really like Mia she is a damaged character bravely struggling through her grief trying to help her friends. Jay obviously has feelings for Mia but is giving her the space she needs at this time. As the pair dig into what happened more possible suspects are identified but the evidence is still pointing to Brian who was so drunk he doesn’t remember. When his memory comes back they begin to put together the pieces.

This is a very gripping, intriguing read as we follow the pair down many leads and try to work through the entangled web of clues but the real killer comes as a real curve ball in a totally mind blowing ending.

A brilliant read and I thank the author, Joyce Schneider for the advance review copy. These are my unbiased thoughts and opinions

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