REMEMBER ME by D.E. White #newrelease #psychologicalthriller #crimefiction @DEWhiteAuthor

Happy publication day to D.E. White. REMEMBER ME is released today and I am thrilled to be able to share my review of this stunning thriller that is unputdownably brilliant.


Available for just 99p/99c from AMAZON

Fifteen years ago Ellen Smith vanished from the woods near her small Welsh village. Never to be seen again.
Eight people were in the woods that night: eight splintered lives, eight people hiding a terrible secret. But who can remember the truth?

Now, Ellen’s best friend, Detective Ava Cole is all grown up back in the village where it all began, and everyone is asking the same question.

What really happened to Ellen?

Filled with shocking discoveries and traumatic memories this fast paced thriller is perfect for fans of Friend Request and Close to Home.

My Review

I have read the Ruby Baker series by Daisy White and loved it so I was looking forward to reading this new release. This is a psychological thriller and although I love all Crime Fiction Psychological Thrillers are my favourite.

As a teenager Ava was a little on the wild side. Along with her friends they experimented with drink, drugs and relationships. One day everything went wrong and Elle died. The gang covered up her death fearing there would be too many questions. It was just a tragic accident. Wasn’t it?

That wasn’t the end of the problems for Ava she got pregnant and married Paul but unable to cope and being bullied she leaves the baby with Paul and moves to America to be with her parents.

Many years later she receives a letter from Paul. He is dying and wants her to return to Wales.

From that letter Ava finds her life spinning out of control. She receives messages she doesn’t understand and the number is out of use. Then the past comes back to haunt her as she learns Elle didn’t die in a freak accident she was assaulted and murdered.

Tasked with finding out what really happened that night Ava finds herself alone in a dangerous game with an unknown enemy, and enemy who probably killed Elle.

The characters are realistic and develop well throughout the story as we watch them grow from errant teenagers to adults each dealing with the memories in an individual way. The story itself is gripping and had me turning page after page. There are so many twists and turns I found myself changing my mind from one suspect to another and back again all the way through to the end.

A totally gripping book that ticked all my boxes and earns a very well deserved 5 stars.

I am hoping to read more about Ava in the future.

About D.E. White

Daisy White is the best-selling author of The Ruby Baker Seaside Mysteries, set in 1960’s Brighton and published by Joffe Books.
Her new psychological thriller ‘Remember Me’, published by HQ Digital (HarperCollins), is available now, with another, ‘Blindsided’ to follow in July 2019.

She lives on the Sussex coast and has two children, both of whom are bookworms, so it must run in the family!

Daisy would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read and review her books. She is always happy to share her writing journey and enjoys speaking, and meeting readers at writing retreats, book clubs, festivals, rotary events and libraries.

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