BLOG TOUR: The Revelation Room by Mark Tilbury

‘The book starts with suspense at the beginning and keeps delivering as the reader keeps turning page after page until it ends with an action packed finale.’

@bloodhoundbook  @mtilburyauthor #blogtour #psychologicalthriller #booksnall #5stars

The Revelation Room (The Ben Whittle Investigations, #1)The Revelation Room by Mark Tilbury

About the Book

Ben Whittle’s father, a private investigator, has been taken captive by
a cult whilst investigating the case of a missing girl. When Ben
receives a desperate call from his father asking for help he is drawn
into a dark underground world.

As Ben retraces the last known steps of the missing girl he discovers
his only option left is to join the cult and rescue his father from the

The leader of the cult, Edward Ebb, is a psychopathic egocentric who
uses his position to control his small group of followers in The Sons
and Daughters of Salvation. When he initiates Ben into the group it soon
becomes apparent how sick and twisted Ebb is.

Ben must find his father and the missing girl, but the odds are stacked
against him and time is running out.

Can Ben rescue his father and the girl and escape with his life?
And what is the gruesome secret concealed in the Revelation Room?

The Revelation Room is the first in a new series of psychological
mystery thrillers.

My Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book is very well written with a realistic story and very unique, realistic characters.  The story begins with a PI looking for a girl who has run away to join a religious cult.  He is discovered and this sets in motion a sequence of events with tragic consequences.

Ben is the main character and Mark has expertly written this book so that the development and growth of Ben’s character is what makes the book.  It is written in a very unique way and it works brilliantly.

Ben is thrown in at the deep end when his father asks for help.  He is a sensitive man with little self-confidence and is placed well outside his comfort zone. The reader is rooting for him as he struggles to make the right decisions and take action.  He is supported by Maddie who he secretly loves and the relationship between Ben and Maddie plays an important part in the book.

On the other side we have Ebb who is the leader of the Cult.  He is another brilliantly put together character a man who is evil but believes he is working for God and is able to convince others to follow him.  I would like to think he is a little far-fetched but I am realistic enough the know that isnt true people like him do exist among us.

The book starts with suspense at the beginning and keeps delivering as the reader keeps turning page after page until it ends with an action packed finale.  I can’t wait to read book 2.

Thank you to Bloodhound Books for a free copy of this book

View all my reviews

Author bio:

Mark Tilbury picMark lives in a small village in the lovely county of Cumbria, although
his books are set in Oxfordshire where he was born and raised.

After serving in the Royal Navy and raising his two daughters after
being widowed, Mark finally took the plunge and self-published two books
on Amazon, The Revelation Room and The Eyes of the Accused.

He’s always had a keen interest in writing, and is extremely proud to
have his third novel, The Abattoir of Dreams, published, and The
Revelation Room and The Eyes of the Accused re-launched, by Bloodhound

When he’s not writing, Mark can be found trying and failing to master
blues guitar,
and taking walks around the beautiful county of Cumbria.

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