BLOG TOUR: Linda Huber – Baby Dear

I am very please to have a spot on the Blog Tour for Baby Dear, a heartrendingly gripping  book by Linda Huber.

‘Fate doesn’t care who you are and when it deals a card to Jeff Horne it sets in motion a series of events, that nobody could have foreseen, with tragic consequences.’

@bloodhoundbook @books_n_all @lindahuber19 #booksnall #lindahuber #psychologicalthriller #5stars #babydear #blogtour

BABY DEAR 1Book Description

Caro and Jeff Horne seem to have it all until they learn that Jeff is infertile. Caro married Jeff because her biggest wish was to be a mother, and he had the means to give their children a better life than she’d had. Jeff, who is besotted with Caro, is terrified he will lose her now they can’t have a baby.
Across town, Sharon is eight months pregnant and unsure if she really wants to be a mother. Soon her world will collide with Jeff’s. He wants to keep Caro happy and decides that getting a baby is the only way.
Then Caro is accidently drawn into an underworld of drugs…
Meanwhile, Jeff is increasingly desperate to find a baby – but what length’s is he prepared to go to?
Is Sharon in danger, and will Caro ever have the family she’s always dreamed of?

My Review

5 out of 5 stars

Fate doesn’t care who you are and when it deals a card to Jeff Horne it sets in motion a series of events, that nobody could have foreseen, with tragic consequences.

Jeff is a strange character and marrying Caro made all his dreams come true.  Caro really just wanted a baby and married Jeff in order to achieve this.  Jeff is financially secure and a pretty good catch the problem is he is infertile.  When Jeff realises he is unable to give Caro what she wants and needs he realises it could mean the end of his marriage.  Fear of losing the love of his life sends Jeff over the edge between sanity and insanity.

Caro is basically a selfish gold digging bitch who only married Jeff for his money and to father the baby she wants so much.  I am sure we are not supposed to like her at the beginning and she doesn’t disappoint but we see her character develop and she begins to see her actions in their true light and starts to change but is it too late?

Sharon and Craig become entangled in Jeffs insanity.  They were happy with their life until Sharon accidentally becomes pregnant.  Craig becomes distant and Sharon is unsure if she wants a baby in her life and when she thinks it could end up as a choice between the baby and Craig she becomes depressed which makes the situation worse.

In every good story there seems to be one person who the story appears to centre around and in this book that is Julie.  She isn’t a main character but is a good, compassionate person and sees that Sharon is in need of a friend so steps up to the plate.  Julie and her 2 children were abandoned by her husband so she is a single parent trying to do her best by her children and puts her own needs behind everybody else’s.  She becomes the person Sharon relies on and this causes her to also become entangled in Jeff’s insanity.

All in all this is a very gripping, albeit difficult, read.  A baby in danger is always going to be difficult and Linda sets the scene in the prologue which kicks the adrenaline into high gear from the very beginning.  The book is very fast paced with minimal descriptive text while still developing the characters and the scene and this is done very efficiently so the reader can picture the characters and the scene.

Excellent book and well worth the 5 stars.

Thank you to Bloodhound Books who provided me with an advance copy of this book


Author Bio:

Linda grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, but went to work in Switzerland for a year aged twenty-two, and has lived there ever since. Her day jobs have included working as a physiotherapist in hospitals and schools for handicapped children, and teaching English in a medieval castle. Not to mention several years spent as a full-time mum to two boys, a rescue dog, and a large collection of goldfish and guinea pigs.

Her writing career began in the nineties, when she had over fifty feel-good short stories published in women’s magazines. Several years later, she discovered the love of her writing life – psychological suspense fiction. Her first novel was published in 2013, and was followed by four others. She has also published a charity collection of feel-good short stories.

After spending large chunks of the current decade moving house, Linda has now settled in a beautiful flat on the banks of Lake Constance in north-east Switzerland, and is working on another suspense novel.






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