Burned by Her Devotion by Melinda Leigh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A couple of years ago I started reading the Bones series by Kendra Elliott and was immediately hooked. From there I found the Rogue River series of novellas. I have read novellas before this but only as prequels to a full length novel. I am not a fan of short stories as I like a book I can really get into. I was also sceptical about a series written by 2 authors. However, being a fan of Kendra ‘ s I had to step outside my comfort zone and try them. I was surprised how much I enjoyed them they really worked and releasing them as a series of novellas rather than 1 book with 2 authors enabled each author to maintain their unique writing style. I have since read the Rogue Winter series plus Melinda ‘ s entire back list (and Kendra’s).
The Rogue Vows series is to be released shortly but I was given an advance copy by Netgalley in return for an honest review.
This book picks up where Death and her Devotion ended and is edge of your seat gripping. There are many twists and turns. Carl and Set are brought more into the limelight in this novella and further depth is given to their characters and relationship. The last few chapters really get the adrenaline going and include a real curve ball. Excellent book I am hoping for more.