#BookTour: THE RAVENSWOOD MURDERS (Detective Alice Rossi #2) by Helen H Durrant #adgifted #bookshelf #bookstagram #Crimefiction @joffebooks @booksnall2020 @hhdurrant

I am thrilled to share my review ofTHE RAVENSWOOD MURDERS (Detective Alice Rossi #2) by Helen H Durrant as part of the Book Tour for this brilliant new addition to the series which will have you turning page after page all the way to the end.

Available from #Amazon for just 99p/99c – buy now


Format – Kindle
Publisher Joffe Books
Publication Date – 16th November 2023
Genre – Crime thriller, mystery and suspense
Author – Helen H Durrant

Buy from AMAZON
Read more on GOODREADS


A brand-new mystery from #1 bestselling author Helen H. Durrant that will have you gripped from start to explosive finish.

Day 1. A young woman’s body is found in a shallow grave in the woods, buried in a white shroud. She’s been dead for a week. Her teeth are smashed in, her lips stitched together. Her hands are missing.

She’s the fourth young woman found like this.

With no witnesses, no clues and no leads to follow, the investigation is going nowhere.

That’s when Detective Alice Rossi is called in.

Alice knows this case is a poisoned chalice. Not least because she has a new team to contend with — who don’t like being bossed around by a woman.

Day 2. Sixteen-year-old Maggie Hewson is reported missing. She never came home from school, and her father is beside himself.

Will she be the fifth girl to die?

DCI Alice Rossi of Greater Manchester’s Serious Crime Squad has served with the police for the past twenty-nine years. Since the death of her husband, Paul, six years ago, she has lived alone in a large, three-storey Edwardian terrace on the outskirts of Manchester. Her grown-up son lives in Edinburgh with his family. Alice is about to retire — but she’s not looking forward to it. Since her husband died, work has been her mainstay, not because she misses Paul — he was a bad man — but because it keeps her dark thoughts at bay.


Alice Rossi is back in this second book of the series. They work well as stand alone but there is a back story so you will enjoy it more if you have read book 1.

Alice is handed a case involving the murders of young girls that has ground to a halt. She proved herself with the Still Waters case so her bosses are hoping she will be able to move the case forward and crack it. But is this case a poisoned chalice? Is she doomed to failure?

She builds herself a team bringing in 2 trusted detectives but the existing team are detectives she doesn’t know. Will they resent her for taking over?

As she gets stuck in to the investigation it becomes clear this is more than murder and soon the waters get muddied by a drugs case. Alice also finds her personal life is bringing more problems into the mix. With crooked cops, witnesses in fear of their lives and lies and secrets everywhere the team certainly have their work cut out with this one. But Alice is determined not to fail.

An absolutely gripping book that I really enjoyed. The characters are realistic complete with flaws that fit in to the story perfectly. The suspense builds all the way through the book right to the adrenaline pumping ending. The murderer was a mind blow I didn’t see coming.

Absolutely brilliant, more please and soon.



Helen is one of the ‘baby boomer’ generation and began writing when she retired from her job at a local college. Born in Edinburgh to an English father and Scottish mother the family settled in a Pennine village between the counties of Lancashire and Yorkshire. It is an environment which has shaped her stories. Writing is a second career and, despite having a bus pass, keeps her busy, and tuned in.

Helen’s children are all grown-up and she has five grandchildren.

I organise Book Tours for Joffe Books and a few self-published authors.  If you would like to join in the fun you can sign up via the link below or email me at: booksnall.blog@gmail.com for more information.  Everyone is welcome to join in and help to share the book love.


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