Book Tour – Malice on the Island (Detective Liam O’Reilly #2) by Stewart Giles #crimefiction #detective @stewartgiles @booksnall2020

Today I am happy to be sharing my review of MALICE ON THE ISLAND as part of the Book Tour.

Malice on the Island (Detective Liam O’Reilly #4)

Format – Kindle
Publisher – STILL BOOKS
Publication Date – 30th April 2021
Genre – Crime Fiction
Author – Stewart Giles

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Nobody knows when it first started.

The tranquil island of Guernsey is suddenly besieged by a wave of malice. Restaurants are getting set alight, houses are being sprayed with paint and friends are no longer sure if their neighbours are who they thought they were.

When a woman is found dead, covered head to toe in paint outside a house covered in identical paint Detective Liam O’Reilly is brought into the midst. O’Reilly soon realises this is much more than a simple case of murder. And when more bodies are found O’Reilly starts to wonder if he made the right decision in coming to the Island in the first place.

Two families share a sinister secret and the repercussions of this are more deadly than O’Reilly could have ever imagined.

This is a crime mystery you won’t want to miss.

Perfect for fans of Joy Ellis and LJ Ross.

Its 5 stars from me. I am no writing expert but I enjoyed the new format of no prologue and thought it: Reminiscent of a modern day Shakespearean tragedy. I loved it.–Carol

This series just keeps getting better and better. The story pulls you in from the start and makes it hard to put down. The characters are developing nicely and the plot is fast-paced and gripping. If you enjoy detective crime thrillers I’d highly recommend this series set on the island of Guernsey. – Kirsty

“Crime on the previously quiet island of Guernsey has heated up substantially since Detective Inspector Liam O’Reilly moved there to enjoy the quieter life. This case is particularly malicious. O’Reilly’s daughter Assumpta plays a key role with her investigative skills and instinct. Perhaps their partnership is going to become central to the solving of future crimes on the Island?”- Alison


Book 0.5-Phobia
Book 1-Smith
Book 2-Boomerang
Book 3-Ladybird
Book 4-Occam’s Razor
Book 5-Harlequin
Book 6-Selene
Book 7-Horsemen
Book 8-Unworthy
Book 9 – Venom
Book 10 – Severed
Book 11 – Demons
Book 12 – Deadeye
Book 13 – Motive
Book 14 –Australia
Book 15– Wishbone

Book 1 – Blood on the Island
Book 2 – Lies on the Island
Book 3 – Fear on the Island
Book 4 – Malice on the Island

Book 1-The Beekeeper
Book 2-The Perfect Murder
Book 3-The Backpacker
Trotterdown a box set of DC Harriet Taylor books 1-3

Book 1 – The Enigma
Book 2 – Dropzone
Book 3 – The Raven Girl
Trilogy: The DS Smith & Harriet Taylor box set

THE MIRANDA TRILOGY (psychological thrillers)

The Divide

My Review

Another brilliant catch up with the grumpy Irish detective.  You have to love DI Liam O’Reilly he moved to Guernsey for a quieter life but found he had to hit the ground running as the dead bodies kept on coming.

In this story we have 2 families with a feud going back generations.  A fire at the Simon’s restaurant followed by the discovery of the body of Micheal Simon’s fiance and O’Reilly has his work cut out trying to uncover whatever it is the 2 families are hiding.  The body count continues to rise and what is the black paint all about?

I really enjoyed reading this book.  I was gripped from the early pages and it didn’t let go.  The intrigue mounts page by page as the reader is taunted with a family mystery that refuses to reveal itself.  The big reveal delivered in spades with a shocking revelations I definitely was not expecting.  Fantastic read.

The characters continue to develop.  In the first 2 books we met the grumpy Liam he had lost his wife and was running from the bad guys forcing him to leave his daughter behind in Ireland.  As the series has progressed we have seen a softening of this complex character as he settles in to his new life.  His daughter moving to Guernsey helped with this and I love what Assumpta brings to the stories.  Her relationship with Andy Stone is one O’Reilly definitely disapproves of and the banter between father and daughter add much needed humour (not forgetting O’Reilly’s love/hate relationship with Bram the cat).

Adrenaline pumping suspense, a massive helping of intrigue with a little love and humour woven in.  A fantastic read.  More please Stewart.

Stewart Giles bio:

After reading English at 3 Universities and graduating from none of them, I set off travelling around the world with my wife, Ann, finally settling in South Africa, where we still live.

In 2014 Ann dropped a rather large speaker on my head and I came up with the idea for a detective series. DS Jason Smith was born. Smith, the first in the series was finished a few months later.

3 years and 8 DS Smith books later, Joffe Books wondered if I would be interested in working with them. As a self-published author, I agreed. However, we decided on a new series – the DC Harriet Taylor: Cornwall series.

The Beekeeper was published and soon hit the number one spot in Australia. The second in the series, The Perfect Murder did just as well.

I continued to self-publish the Smith series and Unworthy hit the shelves in 2018 with amazing results.  I therefore made the decision to self-publish The Backpacker which is book 3 in the Detective Harriet Taylor series which was published in July 2018.

After The Backpacker I had an idea for a totally new start to a series – a collaboration between the Smith and Harriet thrillers and The Enigma was born. It brought together the broody, enigmatic Jason Smith and the more level-headed Harriet Taylor.

The Miranda trilogy is something totally different. A psychological thriller trilogy. It is a real departure from anything else I’ve written before.

The Detective Jason Smith series continues to grow and there are now 14 books including the introduction: Phobia. In addition I have an new series featuring an Irish detective who relocated to Guernsey.  The first 4 books in the Detective Liam O’Reilly series are now available.


Twitter: @stewartgiles



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