BLOG TOUR – THE WITNESS by Kevin Marsh #crimefiction #thriller #psychologicalthriller

Today it is my turn on the Blog Tour for THE WITNESS. Kevin Marsh is a new author to me and I loved this book. I hope you enjoy reading my review.

The Witness by Kevin Marsh

Available from AMAZON

Landscape artist Josie MacDonald is coming to the end of her stay in Scotland. Whilst out on a painting trip early one morning she witnesses a horrific murder.

Mr Mac, the deranged killer, is aware that she has seen him at work and sets out to kill her but Josie manages to escape by plunging desperately into the North Sea.

Mr Mac, convinced that she has perished, discovers a few days later that she has survived and sets out to track her down. He follows her to London where he subjects her to terrible psychological torment as one by one her friends are drawn into the nightmare.

Josie returns to Scotland in order to discover the truth where her worst fears are realised. With time running out and a killer on the loose she must survive long enough to bring their horrifying ordeal to an end.

My Review

Kevin Marsh is a new author to me and I was unsure what to expect from this book but I was far from disappointed.

Josie is living the dream staying with her Aunt and painting landscapes when she is witness to a murder.  The only way to escape is to risk her life by jumping off a cliff.  The alternative is to allow herself to be caught.  She escapes….. Or does she?

The chase is not over but before catching up with Josie he plans to make her suffer via her friends.

Josie is a resourceful character and a very likeable one.  I wasn’t convinced that in reality someone would have acted as she did but it certainly makes for engrossing reading.

Family, friendship, love, torture (emotional and physical), evilness, suspense and murder.  They are all there,  All the components that make up a good Psychological thriller.

This is a gripping thriller that has the adrenaline pumping from the very first page and keeps the pages turning all the way to the jaw-dropping ending.

A brilliant read.  I am looking forward to more from this author.

Kevin Marsh author bio

Kevin Marsh was born in Canterbury in 1961. He lived and went to school there attending the Technical College, (now Canterbury College), as an apprentice sheet metal worker. During his five years of training he worked in a small local company with his father and brother. In 1981 he was married and moved to Whitstable, (his father’s home town).
His first novel, The Belgae Torc, book 1 in the Torc Trilogy, was launched on 30th June 2012 with his second book, The Witness, a psychological thriller, being published in March 2013. The Gordian Knot is the second part of the Torc Trilogy and was published in July 2014.  Cutting the Gordian Knot (The Final Solution) is the final book in the Torc Trilogy and was published in July 2016

He has recently retired from teaching steel fabrication and welding and moved to the beautiful Kent countryside to focus on writing and painting.


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