Picks of 2018

It is usual for Bloggers to post their pick of the books they have read in 2018 and usually I do this too. This year I have read 100 books and some I have loved some not so much but I tend not to read books if I am not getting on with them so by default I like all 100 of the books I read this year.

Off the top of my head I reckon I really loved about 25% loved another 25% and liked/loved the rest so my picks of 2018 are all the books on the link below. Some I liked and others loved some I loved and others liked but what each and every one of these books have in common is the amount of blood, sweat and tears that have gone in to them. Each book is months of work, research, brainstorming putting it all together, rewriting and when they get to The End and submit it then the work really starts as the edits come in and titles and book covers have to be chosen. It is a long road with hours and hours of work.

So instead of reading my picks of 2018 have a look through these 100 books and spare a thought for the part of the author that has gone into them because with each book they give a little of themselves and with each book they give us readers hours of enjoyment.

My Goodreads Year in Books 2018

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