Angela Marsons: Blood Lines

Blood Lines (D.I. Kim Stone, #5)Blood Lines by Angela Marsons

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 5th book in the Kim Stone series and they just get better and better. This book recommences the battle for sanity between Kim and Alex that began in Evil Games (book 2).

Kim is a very complex character damaged by events in her childhood that would have finished a less strong person off but she has fought her way through life and is now a very focussed Detective Inspector who tends to barge through everything and everyone who gets in the way of her search for the bad guys. Although she doesn’t always play by the rules she does get results and is very protective of her team and in return has their complete trust and loyalty. Her character has built throughout the previous 4 books and I now feel I really know Kim who has a soft spot for the disadvantaged and waif’s and strays.

Alex is her nemesis who appeared in Evil Games. She is an evil sociophobic woman who used her position as a psychiatrist to manipulate fragile people. Kim saw through her ‘games’ and became a target as Alex tried to destroy Kim’s sanity.

This book has several threads and I did wonder how Angela was going to bring them all together but she does so skilfully to end up with a book that is totally gripping and full of twists and turns with a totally unexpected finale. I also like the story with Kim’s mother that is interwoven through the book. I am now totally addicted and really hope there are many more of these books on the way to feed my addiction.

Excellent Angela, I am sure this will make the best seller list. My actual score is 6/5 but unfortunately 5 is the maximum.

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