BLOG TOUR – Book Review Bloggers

Hello I am looking for Bloggers able to review a PARANORMAL ROMANCE for a blog tour running 12th – 24th June.  I have empty slots 12th – 22nd if anyone is able to help it will be much appreciated.  Please email if you can help.

Thank you, Jill xx

Catching Love When it Falls – by Deryn Pittar

William and Belinda, both genetically altered, meet years after leaving the government-rearing nursery. Their late development allowed them to escape a life devoted to the government’s defence departments. If their skills are now discovered they will be conscripted and never be free again.

William’s talent is to move through space between locations in the blink of an eye. Belinda can lift objects of great weight with her mind. Their relationship creates a raft of problems both struggle to overcome.

‘Catching Love When it Falls’ explores an alternative reality and discovers the one thing neither Belinda nor William can control – love.


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