Joffe Books – accepting submissions. What their Authors have to say:

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Joffe Books are accepting submissions



helen durrantHelen Durrant

“My books would never have enjoyed the success they have without Joffe Books. They do an excellent job from start to finish. The editing, book covers, marketing and finally, the liberal sprinkling of ‘fairy dust’ Jasper sprinkles over the final product.” – Helen



OVER 250,00 books sold of her Calladine & Bayliss and DI Greco Series

I’m one of the ‘baby boomer’ generation. I was born in Edinburgh to an English father and Scottish mother. My father was from the North West of England and this was where the family settled.

I know the area well, both the good and the bad, and so I set my books here. Sitting between two counties, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and between the city and the hills, it offers a rich mix of the industrial and the countryside and all the character therein. I always planned to write crime novels — to create the characters in my books. Since my retirement from a busy teaching job in FE, this is what I’ve done — almost to exclusion of anything else!

I have a grown-up family and five grandchildren. They see me as something of an eccentric — always on my laptop writing away. Writing is something of a second career and, despite having a bus pass, keeps me busy, young and tuned in the world as it currently is.

Twitter @hhdurrant


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